How to Live Intentionally Through Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is self-care. The better you understand yourself, the greater your impact on the earth will be.

​​My Journey to Self-Awareness

I used to feel alone — not lonely, just alone. I was always uncomfortable and self-conscious, and I couldn’t understand why. It felt like my mind was trapped in a dark place, and I couldn’t find a way out. I experienced constant feelings of hopelessness, confusion, and frustration. I spent years blaming this mental isolation on my past traumas, sour relationships, mistakes, and failures. But eventually, I realized that the true culprit behind this mental prison was my own misunderstanding of myself. This lack of self-awareness was causing deep insecurity, making it hard to break free from the cycle of negative emotions and thoughts.

The Challenge of Blind Spots

We often find ourselves going through the motions, feeling frustrated and unsure about which direction to take in life. We all have blind spots or hidden barriers that keep us from living joyfully and truly loving ourselves. The problem is that we rarely take the time to pause and process what’s happening inside us. When we feel sadness, anger, or worry, we don’t stop to unpack why we feel this way. This means we end up in cycles of frustration and uncertainty, dealing with hardships without knowing how to diagnose our emotions, understand their sources, or figure out how to move past them.

Breaking the Cycle

This lack of self-awareness can trap us in a loop of dissatisfaction. Without pausing to reflect, we miss the chance to understand our true needs and desires. We react to life instead of shaping it, leading to decisions that don’t align with who we really are. This disconnect can result in poor choices and deepen our feelings of confusion and low self-esteem.

To break free from this cycle, I had to make the decision to truly start learning about myself — my true self. Who I was when no one else was around. No influences, no one to please, just me. It took courage to take that first step: deciding to sit with my thoughts at night instead of following my usual routine of scrolling through social media until my phone fell on my face because I was too tired to hold it up. The payoff was greater than I could have imagined. I became less indecisive, more confident, assertive, and driven. Self-doubt and critical thoughts diminished, replaced by gratitude and self-encouragement as I began to feel happy with who I was. I realized how much control I had over myself to change the things that weren’t bringing me joy.

By taking the time to reflect and process our emotions, thoughts, and actions, we can pinpoint the root causes of our feelings, make more informed decisions, and ultimately create a life that brings us joy and fulfillment.

Here are the 7 questions that gave me the power to take control of my life through self awareness:

7 Essential Questions for Self-Discovery

1. Who Am I?

This question is foundational to understanding your identity. Many people confuse it with the common “What do you do?” However, this question has nothing to do with your job title, status, or role. It’s about your core values and beliefs, and the characteristics that define you. Consider what is important to you. What are your strengths and weaknesses? How would you describe your personality? What experiences have shaped who you are today?

2. Why Am I Here?

This question explores your purpose and the meaning behind your existence. Why were you born? What is the reason you are here on Earth? It helps you discover what motivates you and the impact you want to have on the world. Understanding your purpose gives your life direction and significance. It helps you align your daily activities with your deeper aspirations, ensuring that you live a fulfilling and purposeful life. Think about what you’re passionate about. What motivates you to get out of bed each morning? What legacy do you want to leave behind?

3. What Can I Do?

This question is about identifying your strengths, talents, and skills. It’s an opportunity to recognize what you’re naturally good at and how you can use these abilities to achieve your goals. Understanding your capabilities builds confidence and helps you focus on areas where you can excel and make a meaningful contribution. Think about your strengths. What skills have you developed over time? What has always come naturally to you since you were a child? What activities make you feel most accomplished?

4. Who Can I Help?

This question shifts the focus from yourself to others. It’s about understanding how you can use your skills and resources to support and uplift those around you. Reflecting on this helps build empathy and fosters a sense of community and connection. It encourages you to live a life of service, which can be deeply rewarding and fulfilling. Consider what causes or issues you are most passionate about. What problems that people face are you determined to solve? How can your skills and strengths add value to the lives of others?

5. Where Am I Going?

This question is about setting your vision and long-term goals. It helps you define what you want to achieve and the direction you want your life to take. Having a clear vision provides a roadmap for your journey, helping you stay focused and motivated. It also allows you to measure your progress and adjust your path as needed. Think about your long-term goals. Where do you see yourself in ten years? What milestones do you need to reach along the way? How do your daily actions align with your vision for the future?

6. How Will I Get There?

This question involves planning and strategizing. It’s about outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your goals and realize your vision. This includes setting short-term objectives, creating actionable plans, establishing diligent habits, and developing the discipline to follow through. Having a clear plan helps you stay organized and increases your chances of success. Consider the immediate steps you need to take to live out your vision. What resources or support do you need? How will you track your progress? What habits do you need to break or develop to stay on course?

7. What Do I Need to Overcome?

This question addresses the obstacles and challenges that might hinder your progress. It involves identifying potential roadblocks, whether internal, like fears and self-doubt, or external, like resource limitations or toxic relationships. Understanding these challenges allows you to develop strategies to overcome them, ensuring they don’t derail your journey. Overcoming obstacles builds resilience and strengthens your commitment to your goals. Consider what negative experiences you’re still holding on to that could get in the way of taking action. What external obstacles could block your progress? How have you overcome obstacles in the past? What strategies can you use to address these challenges now?

Sit with these questions, meditate on them, journal your answers, and keep revisiting them. By doing so, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your path in life. These questions guide you through a journey of self-awareness and self-discovery, helping you live a life that is true to who you are. Most importantly, you will learn to love yourself like never before when you realize your unique qualities and strengths.

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